5 Back to School Lunchbox Ideas for Kids

Getting into the back to school routine is already tough for parents and kids; but if they are excited for lunch, maybe it won’t be so bad.
Between back to school shopping and making sure you have all school supplies, you don’t have the time to think up new recipes that come stamped with the little ones’ approval.
Plus, they aren’t all that interested in eating healthy, but you can’t always give them snacks to eat. So, here are five back to school lunchbox ideas you can try to get your little ones eager for school.
The best part about these delights is that they are super easy to put together even in the early, rushed mornings; and, with Back to School Coupons, you can get all the ingredients without breaking the bank.

Ham + Mac & Cheese Muffins

Have leftover Mac & cheese from last night’s dinner? Then, for a back to school lunchbox, how about mixing it with ham to create a whole new dish?
When you are racking your brain thinking of something to make, these muffins are sure to take the load off your shoulders. All the ingredients, you are sure to have in your monthly grocery list; so, take up some bread crumbs, diced ham, and leftover Mac and cheese, and you have a meal for lunch and after school.

Pizza Pancakes

No child will ever say no to pizza, but this recipe combines two of their most favorite meals – pizza and pancakes.
Mix the pancake batter with cheese, pepperoni, and other pizza essential for your family; and, you have a gooey cheesy treat of pancakes and pizza that your little one will never tire off.

Fruity Chicken Balls on a Stick

Chicken and fruits – that’s two healthy meals combined into one. Plus, with them in the shape of small balls, you don’t have to worry about forgetting to pack a spoon with your child’s lunch box.
Mince the chicken and roll them into small balls as you do for Spaghetti & meatballs; dip them into milk-soaked bread crumbs for extra crunch.
Pierce the chicken onto a stick and separate the pieces with cut-up fruits and vegetables – and voila! You have a meal ready for lunch that works just as good as a treat for after school.

Blueberry Banana Muffins

When thinking up lunchboxes for school, you have a lot of parameters to meet; they need to be something your child will enjoy, but also healthy so that you feel like you are doing your job as a parent.
So, how about blueberry & banana muffins?
Every child enjoys muffins; bananas and blueberries are healthy; so, it’s two birds with one stone.

Peanut Butter & Jam Cookie Sandwich

The classic PB&J Sandwich takes on a new look with this recipe.
If your little one has no allergies, then give this recipe a try; bake some cookies or shop from the store and spread your peanut butter and jam to make a cookie sandwich.

Final Thoughts

Here you are five delicious recipes that you can try to fill your little one’s lunch box when going back to school.
